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One of the challenges of fighting for intersex justice and human rights, is the lack of data available to demonstrate the experiences of people in Aotearoa with intersex variations. What we do know shows that many intersex people experience higher rates of mental distress, influenced partly from carrying feelings of isolation and shame around their bodies. Many people have not spoken to others, aside from those working in healthcare about their intersex variation, not even family or whānau.

Below are some of the current research projects underway and we encourage you to get involved if you can. 

Kia ora koutou, 

Hope the start of 2024 has been treating you well. 

My name is Nayantara (please call me Nayan) and I’m a Senior Lecturer at the School of Science in Society. You can read more about my research here: 


I invite you to please consider participating in a research survey, which aims to gauge our collective experiences and thoughts about sex hormones. This project aims to shed light on how women (cis, Intersex, and trans) talk about their sex hormones as they are shaped by biological, environmental, and social changes. 


Your participation will support this research by providing us data and insights that help us raise awareness about the deeply complex nature of hormones and the women who live with them – daily. The anonymous survey with additional details on the research can be found here:

Please forward this email and/or survey link to others in your network as the more we hear from a diverse set of people, the better the research. 


Email me (Nayan) if you have questions about this research and/or would like to talk in more detail about this research.

He mihi,


Dr. Nayantara Sheoran Appleton



Pūkenga Matua |  Senior Lecturer 

Pūtaiao ki t e Pāpori | Centre for Science in Society

Te Wāhanga Pūtaiao | Faculty of Science 

Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington 

Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara  | Wellington

Aotearoa  | New Zealand


Exploring the experiences and education/training of professionals who work with people with variations in sex characteristics.

Get in touch and let us know if there is anything you would like to know more about, and what key areas you feel we should focus or attention as an advocacy organisation.

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