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Ira Tangata
Nau mai ko te āo,
nau mai rā ko te Ira Tangata!
Tihei mauri ora!

Ira Tangata - Ira = genetics/whakapapa,
Tangata = Person/hood.
This kupu is a Māori reference to identity and whakapapa.
This term acknowledges in te reo that Māori are Indigenous first, and are not defined by any single characteristic or variation.
Intersex within a te ao Māori view is an emergent area that is being explored within this re-indigenising era of Aotearoa.
As the dominant narratives surrounding intersex come from a pākehā/Western worldview, many of the resources on our website may not resonate with the experiences of Māori intersex people.

Listen to Co-Chair of Intersex Aotearoa, Tu Chapman in the Te Whē podcast episode 'Te Ira Tangata' below.

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